Sunday, August 17, 2008

Overdue Update

An amazing amount has happened here at 150 over the past week.
1) The storage unit is nearly full
2) The hedges, trees at front of driveway, privet have been trimmed, all debris chipped and used as mulch
3) Every interior ceiling and wall has been painted, except for 1 1/2 bathrooms still to go and some trim
4) Most of the remaining contents of the house are in three piles in the garage, ready for a trip to its final resting place: storage, trash or my Dad's
5) There is no #5
6) I had two termite inspections (one arrived an hour before the other, so both guys were here at the same time). Neither found evidence of termites. What I need is a "termite letter" stating that--one offered it for USD 45, the other would only provide the letter if I got a termite treatment (for USD 1078). Company policy.
6 1/2) Guess which service I chose
7) I got the second dose of Hep A+B and started the typhoid oral vaccine (four pills, one every other day)
8) E-ticket, however, has not arrived ...


Anonymous said...

Why on earth are you taking a typhoid vaccine?

Tuttle said...

Mainly because my physician (Marge's dad) and the CDC recommended it:

It only cost USD 60!