Around the corner from this convenience store (Buy the Way, get it? - a rare example of the well-executed Engish pun in Korea), you will usually find a rotisserie chicken vendor operating from a specially-equipped truck. Well, today it was a steamed crab guy, operating from a specially-equipped truck.
Though I enjoy steamed crab, blogging about it earlier really got me in the mood for the chicken, so I pressed on. The other such vendor I know of is about six blocks back in the other direction, near the Gangseo-gu Medical Center busstop. Fine. The whole point was a nice long walk, this is just a bonus:
I walk right past a certain well-known convenience store on the way back, and pop in to get a bottle of beer for afters. There are generally three sizes here: 500 cc, 1 L and 1.6 L. Guess which one I got?
The photos below show the whole and the half. Delicious!
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