Sunday, April 12, 2015

Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival 2015

This marked my appearance at the seventh consecutive 영등포 여의도 봄꽃축제. Hundreds of mature cherry trees line Yunjungno, a "gift" from the government of Japan, around the same time they gifted the US with the ones that populate the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC. I put gift in quotes there because Japan had invaded and occupied Korea at that time. Anyway, they are a lovely sight:

In addition to the flowers, there are a number of other sights, from Buddhist monks to waygookin musicians:

I go along mainly for the photo ops with the teeming mascots:

There were loads of Lego characters, such as the Lego lizard above, but I think I took advantage of them, because this guy finally had enough:

Anyway, the star of the show is the cherry blossoms, so here are some more nice shots (remember, you can click to see much larger versions):

We have seen that the street of interest is lined with cherry trees, but the streets leading here are lined as well--with vendors. They mostly sell street food and cold beverages, which I'm frankly less than interested in, considering my follow-up visit to VIPs Steakhouse. But this caught my eye, the delicious 전주 초코파이, or Jeonju-style choco pie:

I picked up a whole box, but don't bother to ask, they're mainly for my co-teachers, office lady, VP and my ping-pong comrades, including the principal. Re-contracting time is coming up soon...

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