Sunday, June 16, 2019

Beijing, 2019-18: Beihai Park

Meaning roughly "Northern Sea", Beihai Park has a long history as befits its massive size. Located in northwestern Beijing, it dates back to the 1100s, and 150 years later, Kublai Khan took a personal interest in having the island at its center--Qiónghuádǎo or Jade Flower Island--redesigned to suit him. Seen below, the key feature of the island, and the park, is the White Pagoda, dating from the mid-seventeenth century.

It's a great place to go for a long walk, enjoy a boat ride or just see an expanse of greenery in a big city.

Mostly, a visitor walks around the lake--well, halfway, then turns back--stops to rest a couple of times, and has a look at stuff along the way, like the Stele of the Jade Islet in Spring Shade:

Behind me is the White Pagoda, as I am standing on the bridge to Jade Flower Island.

Here is a ceiling detail from inside the Pavilion of Sharing Coolness, and a flyer outside it:

And to close, a few more of the better shots I got:

Happy travels!

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