Monday, September 20, 2021

Chuseok at Emart, 2021

Spam, or other brands of spiced ham processed meat food product like "Ri-cham", are the most popular Chuseok gifts. Chuseok, of course, is the Korean Thanksgiving holiday, the mid-autumn festival, during which time people return to their hometown, and they do so bearing gifts. The center of the second set above flavored Dong Won tuna--olive and grape. Below is a row of "anshim" or rib meat, more tuna, and a variety of cooking oils.

Check out the price of those mushrooms: 13,000 W, about US$12 per 100 grams! Below, a dried anchovy, sardine and shrimp set, and a variety of red ginsing and garlic sets.

I was surprised to realize that I have only done one post similar to this during my whole time in the Seoul Patch, back in 2009. You can have a look to see how much inflation has occured since then: when it comes to high-priced mushrooms, the answer is, not much. But gift sets aren't just food. Here's body wash, shampoo and six tubes of toothpaste, and a sanitizing nod to the times we live in:

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