Tuesday, September 24, 2019

2019 Sinchon Beer Festival

There isn't really a lot to blog about here, except for readers who might want to keep an eye open for next year's event.

Breweries (lots) and restaurants (a few) set up tents in the street over a couple of blocks near Yonsei University at Sinchon station on line 2. A typical 330 mL beer runs 5-6,000 W and there are some other activities, including music, boutique merchants and games of chance:

It looked a little sparse during the daylight hours, but the crowds really grew after dark as the beer started to flow like … um, winebeer.

Sinchon is a pretty trendy area with neat-o dining spots and just about the only tagging I've seen in Korea outside Itaewon:

Some beer:

The most outrageous food I saw was (drumroll, please) deep fried chicken skins!

Not technically a beer, but I topped off the night with a glass of mead:

Finally, the best photo op of the day:

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